Useful tips and information from parents who have been there before...
What is the P&C?
The P&C is the Parents and Citizens Association of the school; its aim is to fundraise and generally help the school but it is also the parents’ voice in the school. It holds general meetings once a term which all parents are invited to attend to discuss/raise school matters and more importantly decide on the direction of the P&C.
It also manages services like canteen, school band, the uniform shop, the kitchen garden, Before and After School Care (BASC) and runs fundraising.
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The school year is divided into Semester 1 and Semester 2. Terms 1 and 2 are in Semester 1 and 3 and 4 are in Semester 2. Most terms are 10 weeks long and the first day of Terms 1, 2 and 3 is usually a pupil-free day.
Winter uniform is worn Terms 2 and 3. Summer uniform Terms 1 and 4.
The school day starts at 9.20 am and ends at 3.20pm.
There is a bell at 8.50am which is when teacher supervision begins in the playground and is the earliest time you may drop your child at school.
There is a warning bell at 9.15am which signals children to line up ready for 9.20am.
If you arrive after 9.30am, your child should go to the school office to sign in late.
The Principal is Mrs Organ
Infants is Years K-2 (Mrs Mwanga – Deputy Principal)
Primary is Years 3-6 (Mrs Bruce – Deputy Principal)
Bills and Reports
At the start of each semester you will receive a bill from the school for extras such as school trips or activities.
School reports come out twice a year. There are also parent teacher interviews once a year which you book on line but you can contact your child’s teacher via the school anytime and they will call you to arrange a meeting. PBL stands for Positive Behaviour for learning which the school adheres to.
Every Wednesday the school newsletter, Manly West Matters, comes out via email. Try to read it – it holds the key to what’s going on at the school and often, more importantly, when.
Class Parents
Each class has a volunteer Class Parent (decided on the class information night in Term 1).
They organise any class social events, and most importantly, forward information and messages from your class teacher and also liaison between P&C and yourself.
Before and After School Care
BASC stands for “Before and After School Care”. This has a waiting list for permanent places.
Positive Behaviour for Learning and Rewards Program
PBL stands for “Positive Behaviour for Learning” which the school adheres to.
There is a reward programme of minis, merit awards, expectation cards and banners. Your child will explain! For bad behaviour there is a system of orange and red cards.
All students take part in the Dance Program two terms out of four in which sports uniform is worn.
Year 3 Band participation starts but is not compulsory and at an additional cost to the student with private lessons for instruments also required.
Band camp takes place every year and is during the day for Year 3 but children stay overnight in Years 4 and above.
Sport & Swimming
Year 3 - PSSA Sports (Primary Schools Sports Association) interschool competitions start, children try out for different sports teams depending on winter or summer over two trial Fridays. (Juniors = Years 3 and 4 & Seniors = Years 5 and 6)
If they do not make a team they still participate in other supervised sports at school.
There is school swimming, cross country and athletics carnivals held for students aged over
Younger students have an athletics day of fun activities at the school at another time.
Year 2 there is a 2 week swimming program run as part of the curriculum. This takes place at Manly Boy Charlton Swimming Pool.
Years 3 and 5. NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Numeracy and Literacy) tests take place.
Years 5 and 6. Pupils currently go away on overnight camps with the school.
Year 6 conduct fundraising activities including a ‘Pedlar’s Parade’ for their own leaving party and for a donation to the school – such a piece of equipment.
Drama & Parades
There is a whole school dramatic production every alternate year (next is 2018).
There is a yearly Easter Hat Parade and a Book Week Parade.
The school carnival (Fundraising for the P&C) is also held every alternate year (next is 2019).